
#36 F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Baptism by Fire Blog Tour!

This is what MJ Chind had to say on her blog, Creative Madness:

It was a few years ago when I first started to read Mimi’s book and I was captivated. I was reading unedited versions and sending in opinions. I absolutely love starting with the foretelling of Gnome Dig Deep (see below) and the whit and whimsy of all the characters was soon to follow. At that time I have to admit that I did not finish reading, because it was before I had an ereader and then having a baby I was not able to sit at the computer to read much. Now that the real book is finally here, I’m so excited again!!

*Thanks to Mimi for providing a copy for review


Unknown said...

When will book 2 of F.A.I.R.I.E.S. be available? Please let it be soon. You are so talented. I look forward to your entire series as I'm sure so many others agree.

M. C. Pearson said...

Hi Lona! I saw your review on Amazon, giving a me a needed kick in the behind to get Book 2 finished. :-) I had 1/4 written already, but life got in the way. I'm now rereading and making notes. I hope to finish it this year. Be sure to friend me on Facebook, where you can encourage me to finish, despite life. ;-) ( )